Program Competencies (Associated)

1-Der Absolvent, bzw. die Absolventin hat Wissen über den Aufbau, der Ziele und der Funktionen des nationalen Bildungssystems. Er/Sie ist außerdem auch interkulturell bewusst und multikulturell aufgebautKNOWLEDGE

1-Possess advanced level theoretical and practical knowledge supported by textbooks with updated information, practice equipments and other resources.

2-Der Absolvent, bzw. die Absolventin steht für die persönliche, psychologische, ethische, soziale und kulturelle Entwicklung seiner/ihrer Schüler in einer engen Beziehung und arbeitet kooperativ mit der Schulleitung, Eltern, Kollegen, sowie relevanten Institutionen, Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaften. SKILLS

1-Use of advanced theoretical and practical knowledge within the field.

2-Interpret and evaluate data, define and analyze problems, develop solutions based on research and proofs by using acquired advanced knowledge and skills within the field.

3-Der Absolvent, bzw. die Absolventin beachtet das Erlernen einer Fremdsprache, kultureller Kommunikation und sorgt für die berufliche Entwicklung weiter. COMPETENCE-COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL COMPETENCE

1-Inform people and institutions, transfer ideas and solution proposals to problems in written and orally on issues in the field.

2- Share the ideas and solution proposals to problems on issues in the field with professionals and non-professionals by the support of qualitative and quantitative data.

3-Organize and implement project and activities for social environment with a sense of social responsibility.

4--Monitor the developments in the field and communicate with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio B1 General Level.

5-Use informatics and communication technologies with at least a minimum level of European Computer Driving License Advanced Level software knowledge.

4-Er / Sie zeigt bei den pädagogischen Anwendungen Professionalität und ethische Verantwortung.COMPETENCE-FIELD-SPECIFIC COMPETENCY

1-Act in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethic values on the stages of gathering, implementation and release of the results of data related to the field.

2-Possess sufficient consciousness about the issues of universality of social rights, social justice, quality, cultural values and also, environmental protection, worker's health and security.

5-Er / Sie entwickelt seine/ihre fremdsprachlichen Fertigkeiten wie z.B, Hören, Lesen, Sprechen und Schreiben, weiter. SKILLS

1-Use of advanced theoretical and practical knowledge within the field.

2-Interpret and evaluate data, define and analyze problems, develop solutions based on research and proofs by using acquired advanced knowledge and skills within the field.

6-Er/Sie erklärt und praktiziert die grundlegenden Sprachkenntnisse in Türkisch und Deutsch. SKILLS

1-Use of advanced theoretical and practical knowledge within the field.

2-Interpret and evaluate data, define and analyze problems, develop solutions based on research and proofs by using acquired advanced knowledge and skills within the field.

7-Er / Sie analysiert und lehrt die grundlegenden Sprachkenntnisse (in Deutsch und Türkisch)SKILLS

1-Use of advanced theoretical and practical knowledge within the field.

2-Interpret and evaluate data, define and analyze problems, develop solutions based on research and proofs by using acquired advanced knowledge and skills within the field.

8-Er / Sie ist über die Komponenten der Sprache und des Spracherwerbs informiert.COMPETENCE-FIELD-SPECIFIC COMPETENCY

1-Act in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethic values on the stages of gathering, implementation and release of the results of data related to the field.

2-Possess sufficient consciousness about the issues of universality of social rights, social justice, quality, cultural values and also, environmental protection, worker's health and security.

9-Er / Sie erklärt die erste und zweite Spracherwerbstheorie und verbindet diese Theorien und Anwendungen mit dem Fremdsprachenunterricht. KNOWLEDGE

1-Possess advanced level theoretical and practical knowledge supported by textbooks with updated information, practice equipments and other resources.

10-Er / Sie ist über die körperliche, kognitive, sensorische und soziale Entwicklung der Schüler informiert.SKILLS

1-Use of advanced theoretical and practical knowledge within the field.

2-Interpret and evaluate data, define and analyze problems, develop solutions based on research and proofs by using acquired advanced knowledge and skills within the field.

11-Verfügt im angehörigen Fachbereich über grundlegende Theorien, Prinzipien und Methoden. KNOWLEDGE

1-Possess advanced level theoretical and practical knowledge supported by textbooks with updated information, practice equipments and other resources.

12-Kann beim Lehren des Bereichs Deutsch als Fremdsprache grundlegende Konzepte, Prinzipien, Methoden und Techniken anwenden. SKILLS

1-Use of advanced theoretical and practical knowledge within the field.

2-Interpret and evaluate data, define and analyze problems, develop solutions based on research and proofs by using acquired advanced knowledge and skills within the field.

13-Beachtet bei der Vorbereitung der Unterrichtsplanung die Bedürfnisse von Schüler, sowie das Niveau der sprachlichen Entwicklung, Alter, Lernstile und die Lernertypen. SKILLS

1-Use of advanced theoretical and practical knowledge within the field.

2-Interpret and evaluate data, define and analyze problems, develop solutions based on research and proofs by using acquired advanced knowledge and skills within the field.

14-Er / Sie ist wählerisch bei der Auswahl der Unterrichtsmaterialien, und beachtet in diesem Prozess die Nützlichkeit, Aktualität, Effektivität für die Schüler, außerdem schätzt dabei auch den Alter, das Sprachniveau und die Anwendung von Multi-Media-Tools. COMPETENCE-COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL COMPETENCE

1-Inform people and institutions, transfer ideas and solution proposals to problems in written and orally on issues in the field.

2- Share the ideas and solution proposals to problems on issues in the field with professionals and non-professionals by the support of qualitative and quantitative data.

3-Organize and implement project and activities for social environment with a sense of social responsibility.

4--Monitor the developments in the field and communicate with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio B1 General Level.

5-Use informatics and communication technologies with at least a minimum level of European Computer Driving License Advanced Level software knowledge.

15-Beruht auf kontinuierliche Verbesserung der beruflichen Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten. Haben ebenfalls die Fähigkeit, gezielte Methoden und Techniken zu verwenden und sind in der Lage des kritischen Denkens und Vorgehens. SKILLS

1-Use of advanced theoretical and practical knowledge within the field.

2-Interpret and evaluate data, define and analyze problems, develop solutions based on research and proofs by using acquired advanced knowledge and skills within the field.

16-Der Absolvent, bzw. die Absolventin entwickelt Recherche-Kompetenzen und Präsentationfähigkeiten, und lernt auch wie man Projekte vorbereiten kann.COMPETENCE-INDEPENDENT OPERATION RECEIVABLE COMPETENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY

1-Conduct studies at an advanced level in the field independently.

2-Take responsibility both as a team member and individually in order to solve unexpected complex problems faced within the implementations in the field.

3-Planning and managing activities towards the development of subordinates in the framework of a project.

Trakya University



  • Sinan SÖNMEZ                                 Phone: +90 (284) 223 42 10 / 1175         Süleyman ATAKAN                               Phone: +90 (284) 223 42 10 / 1177
  • Phone: 0 284 235 90 88 /5                     E-mail : bolognaofis@trakya.edu.tr Web:https://student.trakya.edu.tr/

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