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1Being able to learn how to reach the information needed, and use it effectively in order to complete the program successfully and to realize the plans in business life.SKILLS
2Being able to form a strong base in business administration, economics, marketing, law and accounting in order to complete the program and to increase success and productivity in business life.KNOWLEDGE
3As a future manager or executive, being able to build up a sound infrastructure on concentration area by the educational tools such as library sources, seminars, conferences, and other academic/information tools.KNOWLEDGE
4Being able to use required technological tools efficiently in order to complete the program successfully.SKILLS
5As an important global factor for managerial positions, being able to use a foreign language at an adequate level in order to conduct a successful career. COMPETENCE-LEARNING COMPETENCY
6Being able to implement technological and informational resources effectively in order to make situation analysis, strategic planning and in order to execute them.COMPETENCE-FIELD-SPECIFIC COMPETENCY
7Being able to follow domestic and international markets, financial data and recent developments continously and interpret them by using the knowledge gathered during the program.SKILLS
8Being able to develop skills in order to take initiative and responsibility individually or as a team member.SKILLS
9Being able to form a strategy to acquire the habit of reading related to information resources and academic platforms either in his/her major or minor areas and being able to perform lifelong learning programs.COMPETENCE-INDEPENDENT OPERATION RECEIVABLE COMPET
10Being able to understand and accept that product and service marketing and sales are dependent on successful human relations approach.KNOWLEDGE
11Being able to lead and plan social activity organizations in order to introduce the products and in order to establish social relations.SKILLS
12Being able to accept and use the concepts of public benefits, social responsibilities and professional ethics in the areas where institutions offer their services.SKILLS

Trakya University



  • Sinan SÖNMEZ                                 Phone: +90 (284) 223 42 10 / 1175         Süleyman ATAKAN                               Phone: +90 (284) 223 42 10 / 1177
  • Phone: 0 284 235 90 88 /5                     E-mail : bolognaofis@trakya.edu.tr Web:https://student.trakya.edu.tr/

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