Program Competencies (Ordered)
11 The student has comprehensive and systematic knowledge about concepts, theories, principles and facts in his own and close disciplines. KNOWLEDGE
2The student has knowledge about processesKNOWLEDGE
3The student has basic knowledge about research methods in his specific field.KNOWLEDGE
4The student has knowledge about legal regulations, occupational standards and applications in his field.KNOWLEDGE
5 The student has detailed knowledge about a specific occupation, job in his fieldKNOWLEDGE
6The student has knowlege about significant problems and alternative ways of solution in his own and close fieldsKNOWLEDGE
77 The student uses and interprets knowledge, theories, models in his own and close disciplines basically and in business environment.SKILLS
8The student follows the changes in interior and exterior environments of the organizations operating in his field, makes rational analyses, interprets, contributes and complies with the changesSKILLS
9The student performs the functions of planning, organizing, coordination, orientation and control deal with his fieldSKILLS
10The student analyses, plans, applies, checks processes of providing services deal with his field and also reconstitutes and develops processes of providing services if required.SKILLS
11The student uses policies and strategies of providing services deal with his field, performs, reviews, develops, evaluates processes of providing services by satisfying consumers, and also finds solutions fort he problems that can effect service process and develops and uses assessment instruments to assess consumer satisfaction.SKILLS
12The student plans, carries out projects and researches and presents the results clearly and understandably by using suitable research methods deal with the subjects and problems about his field.SKILLS
1313 The student knows physical environment, instruments and technologies deal with his field and uses, services and protects them.SKILLS
14The student analyses knowledge using common techniques deal with the problems of his field, evaluates various options by a critical approach and solves unforeseen and complicated problems.SKILLS
15The student follows the developments and applications deal with his field and uses them in practise.SKILLS
16The student deduces abstractly and hypothetically from applications in his fieldSKILLS
17 The student carries out the self-evaluation.SKILLS
18 The student works in effective way both individually and by others.COMPETENCE-INDEPENDENT OPERATION RECEIVABLE COMPETENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY
19The student works as a member of team, takes responsibilities and manages the team. COMPETENCE-INDEPENDENT OPERATION RECEIVABLE COMPETENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY
20The student develops knowledge and abilities of the people he works together and also evaluates their performances.COMPETENCE-INDEPENDENT OPERATION RECEIVABLE COMPETENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY
21In complicated and unforeseen conditions, the student is individual and decides himself in solution of the problemsCOMPETENCE-INDEPENDENT OPERATION RECEIVABLE COMPETENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY
22 The student manages or transforms service processes and works which are complicated, unforeseen and require new strategical approaches deal with his field.COMPETENCE-INDEPENDENT OPERATION RECEIVABLE COMPETENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY
23 The student manages himself and the time and also criticises himself.COMPETENCE-INDEPENDENT OPERATION RECEIVABLE COMPETENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY
24The student manages technical and professional activities or projects in complicated and unforeseen situations deal with his field.COMPETENCE-INDEPENDENT OPERATION RECEIVABLE COMPETENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY
25He manages career developments of the individuals or groups who work with him.COMPETENCE-INDEPENDENT OPERATION RECEIVABLE COMPETENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY
26He learns by himself to increase his professional knowledge, skills and competence.COMPETENCE-LEARNING COMPETENCY
27He follows both national and international current affairs deal with his field and occupation.COMPETENCE-LEARNING COMPETENCY
28He continuously improves himself both individually and professionally by increasing his knowledge, skills and competences to be able to take much more responsibility.COMPETENCE-LEARNING COMPETENCY
29By the consciousness of life-long learning, he updates and improves knowledge, skills and competences deal with his field.COMPETENCE-LEARNING COMPETENCY
30He makes interindividual and intercultural contact effectively and makes group work.COMPETENCE-COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL COMPETENCE
31He presents knowledge, discussion and analyses deal with his field to experts and those who are out of his field.COMPETENCE-COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL COMPETENCE
32At least in a foreign language, he communicates either written or verbally at least at B1 General Level of European Langauge PortfolioCOMPETENCE-COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL COMPETENCE
33He uses internet and communication technologies as well as computer software that his field requires at Advanced level of European Computer Usage License.COMPETENCE-COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL COMPETENCE
34He regularly makes health, security and risk evaluations deal with his field and gathers knowlegde for this reason.COMPETENCE-FIELD-SPECIFIC COMPETENCY
35He performs works about his field as to the laws and professional standards.COMPETENCE-FIELD-SPECIFIC COMPETENCY
36He holds to ethical values about his field and has social responsibility. COMPETENCE-FIELD-SPECIFIC COMPETENCY
37He has sufficient consciousness about secrecy and privacy of secret lives of individuals who are offered services and takes necessary precautions about it.COMPETENCE-FIELD-SPECIFIC COMPETENCY
38While he is performing works deal with his field, he takes care of human health, social and natural environment.COMPETENCE-FIELD-SPECIFIC COMPETENCY
39He pursues rights and liberties, he is sensitive to differences between humans and cultures; he respects tolerance.COMPETENCE-FIELD-SPECIFIC COMPETENCY
40He interprets legal regulations deal with his field and approaches to present hypotheses with an interrogator point of view.COMPETENCE-FIELD-SPECIFIC COMPETENCY
41He takes care of personal care, hygiene, clothing and appearance by means of his field requires.COMPETENCE-FIELD-SPECIFIC COMPETENCY

Trakya University



  • Sinan SÖNMEZ                                 Phone: +90 (284) 223 42 10 / 1175         Süleyman ATAKAN                               Phone: +90 (284) 223 42 10 / 1177
  • Phone: 0 284 235 90 88 /5                     E-mail : bolognaofis@trakya.edu.tr Web:https://student.trakya.edu.tr/

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