Erasmus Policy Statement

Trakya University's Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS)

Internationalization is one of the spearheads of Trakya University policy, not only as a goal in itself but as an essential component of the instruction and research process. International cooperation is expected to improve the quality of the primary processes. Cooperation with so many institutions under the framework of EU Programmes testifies to this goal. The current internationalization policy plan focuses on the effort to increase student and staff mobility; increasing internationalization of curricula; active participation in European research and educational projects, within Lifelong Learning Programme/Erasmus and active participation in Intensive Programmes. The University has had a good experience in participating to the ERASMUS programme and its delivery of student and staff mobility within SOCRATES/ERASMUS has consistently been above the national average for the Turkey. The University recognises a continued close involvement in LLP as essential to underpin and further develop its European strategy in a dynamic way. Many of the aims outlined in the 2004-2006 programme have been achieved. There is an increased awareness of the European experience, with more of a balance between incoming and outgoing students and facilities for language training have been greatly improved. The introduction of ECTS in undergraduate programmes has facilitated accreditation and the goals under curriculum development have been achieved. The University now plans to consolidate its existing exchange programmes, and to ensure that they meet the Quality Assurance Agency's guidelines on placements. The University actively encourages our students to participate in EU students exchange programmes and tries to remove barriers. Our University is among the eight most successful universities in the Turkey at the student exchange programme of EU. We will also continue to contribute to staff mobility under LLP. The Rector, Vice-Rector for Teaching and Learning, Secretary General and International Affairs have over-arching responsibility for all such programmes. The University provides a high level of support to incoming ERASMUS students as for all students registered in Trakya University. This means that orientation programmes are provided both by the University and by the individual departments, the incoming students have access to personal tutors and have the same teaching contract as their peers. The University recognizes the special needs of disabled students who can assess for all facilities. The Equal Opportunity Policies of the University apply not only to the selection of outgoing students but to the teaching and learning experience of incoming students.

In order to have high quality in academic mobility activities?

Trakya University complies with the followings;

Trakya University has established a tradition in the field of international cooperation. All proposals for new partnerships going to be approved by the relevant Faculty and Department Erasmus Coordinators and will be required to satisfy the requirements of the University's policy document on the quality control of placements, including exchanges. Besides individual contacts between scientists, which are inherent in scientific practice, Trakya University has had institutionalized internationalization policies since the participating to the ERASMUS/SOCRATES Programme in 2004-2005. These focused on development cooperation, which was partly intertwined with the institutions denominational roots; with universities in EU countries and at the same time with universities in partner countries of EU and universities in USA. Incentives policies of the European Commission and the Turkish Government greatly boosted cooperation at the European level, focusing on student and staff mobility and the internationalization of curricula. During the LLP/ERASMUS Programme (2007-2013) this development will continue with the emphasis shifting to the quality of the partnering institutions. We will continue to promote staff mobility at Edirne, welcoming staff to teach on our programmes and accepting invitations from partners to teach on their programmes. Each year, new exchanges in this area have developed and these will be encouraged. New subject areas and mobility to different countries will be emphasised in order to generate interest across a wider range of departments. We will promote teaching exchanges with those partners where we also have student mobility to maximise impact, but will also link international research activity to education programmes in areas that are already successful.

In order to have high quality in student placement activitie?

Trakya University complies with the followings;

Trakya University recognizes that the student placement programme brings a unique, flexible and quite unbeatable solution to the staffing requirements. We will therefore provide Sakarya businesses with high quality staff at exceptionally low costs through placement of exchange students. Edirne is one of the industrialized cities of Turkey and there are many large and medium sized enterprises in the city. The university has close cooperation with the industrial environment and with the Chamber of Industry of Edirne (ETSO). University will take a role for the replacement of the incoming students from the institutions which we are actively collaboration under Erasmus and also with others that we will collaborate under LLP. TRAKYA University Placement Service (TPS) which is going to be established will assist students looking for positions and academic institutions for placement. Also, TPS will offer help to incoming students and outgoing students seeking internships and work experience placements. We are also going to get in touch with foreign enterprises for training opportunities for outgoing students. We are planning to have contacts with the partners of Leonardo da Vinci Programme projects implemented previously in our University. Students who have placed in such programmes are going to be observed by their departments